Hawkes Bay NZ Water trail

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Interurban to Burke Gilman with errands in Shoreline and Lake City

A hot day and the chance to check off some errands at the bank and KCLS. An urban ride but traffic hazards and traps manageable.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summer brings a mixed bouquet

WTA day work party on the East Fork Foss river trail

A perfect solstice day to work on this favorite trail. Deep shade in the rainforest works so well on a hot 80+ degree day

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Spada Lake reservoir

Solstice hike

Kiwi fruit blossoms

My vine is thriving in my pollinators garden. I swear it's so alive with vigorous waving tendrils it could speak!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Another worthy ride

Very stormy day, hot, cool, rain drops, tough headwinds on Upper Peoh Point Road, but a great day to think about my old dad. He would have come with me no issues. I am blessed

Thorp Prairie from Cle Elum

Stormy weather, humid then windy but a tremendous ride.

Friday, June 14, 2024

On the way to Samish Island

Friday ride Bay View to Samish Island to Edison

And a walk up Farm to Market Road. Weather cloudy and humid so a bit challenging. But I stuck with it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Consolation on a back derailleur break day

My planned ride to Pike market was cut short at the Locks by a loose cable problem with the rear derailleur. So typical when I try to learn something new bike mechanical skills. The cable came out of the holding bolt and, though back in, it needs more tightening. I have so much to learn but I know it's practice and more practice. All day I've felt off kilter and it was a real effort to get out at all. I felt uncomfortable back in cleats. At least the double tug pack was a joy. Plus I did achieve something earlier with drafting a route in RidewithGPS.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

The bridge to the Swinomish reservation

Back in the saddle

Friday June 7 La Conner to Anacortes

My first ride back home after my all consuming trip to Scotland. A sunny hot day to ride in the Skagit Valley. Tiring but beautiful.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Debrief on Scotland

All the precise day-to-day planning of hotels and transport paid dividends in anxiety reduction, as did the wisdom of carrying an e-copy of the spreadsheet to mark up. Trips like this have many moving parts and this helps catch oversights, like forgetting to reserve the Berneray to Leverburgh CalMac. Each day required review and adjustment to plan B (no ride, public transport) based on weather. Losing my glasses cloth and the lid of the thermos were minor. As always, I learn that having to rush (make a bus with such limited schedules and being unfamiliar with landmarks so not being sure what the bus looks like and where the stop is), well this is where you can make oversights. But nothing fatal. Allowing extra time to navigate the train and the tube, without stepfree access noted on every map as it should be, and downloading and using mode of transport specialty apps? Like CalMac helped avoid schedule time change snafus. Next time, remember the all purpose liquid soap and nail clippers. The extra river straps, padding from cardboard, full sized canvas duffel that fit the folded up travel case, plus prior practice in fixing rear flats were genius moves. Next time along with correct tools bring 2 unused tubes, extra bolts, washers and nuts. Neither the kryptonite lock nor IPad were used. And remember to always bring snacks and emergency food in food desert areas. With a full sized touring bike, it would have been full rain gear with booties, camping gear, kitchen equipment. Maybe bother to download the RidewithGPS route to get elevation info, or perhaps buy the Hebridean way official map when at the tourist information center at ride start. But it went so well! Any and all pre-ride conditioning plus lifting weights were key.
It was an adventure cycle in all senses of the word, both with the bike and the all-too-real rider.
Now sorting out home chores, and onto planning the next!

9 1/2 hours and the best seat possible

Feeling on top o' the world (literally). Some turbulence on landing, 3 movies, and blessed sleep on and off.
I am so fortunate.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday June 4 homeward bound

Southern Rail to Victoria, a walk through Belgravia that sent me in circles trying to follow Goo maps, a struggle down the steps and escalators at South Kensington tube to the Piccadilly line. But ample time budgeted to goof up, repacking Fiorello at Delta Check in LHR terminal 3, a sandwich, crisps and a juice at Boots, and a first class seat home.
Adventure done 'n' dusted for a spell.

Dr Johnson in the National Portrait Gallery Monday June 3

Speak, memory. Studying biography in my 3rd year of Comparative Literature studies. It's wonderful how things circle back on themselves. I should read his dictionary and his travel memoir on his trip to the Hebrides in the C17th. Now back in the city after a decade+ and it still appeals. Education and experience are a wonderful gift.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Neal’s Yard cheese shop in Borough Market

Speak, memory. 1979 such a influential year.

Wonderfully named pub in Southwark

London is full of whimsical surprises

Cromwell Gardens 1864

Designed by Albert, Prince Regent and an early innovation in modern housing in the Victorian age.

Glorious shrooms

The main event

So busy but such abundance!

Waterloo station Sunday June 2

A grand day for s short visit to remember. The South Western Rail serves this one, and Southern served Victoria.

Approaching the kingdom of Bromptons


A Quick Look at the Lake District

South bound to London delivers some lovely scenery.

Trains, planes and automobiles

No. Only trains and more trains. This is Glasgow Central and the timetables for departures and arrivals. Plus nice big gates for wheeling on the bike.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday June 1 Central Station for my 10:40a to Euston

Excellent mural on Ingrams street

Found on my footsore walk back from
Glasgow cathedral through the Merchant district.

The Glasgow necropolis

Suitably spooky. Very few burials after the early C20th, just a couple of Great War memorials engraved on the family plinth from Ypres and the Dardanelles. A who's who I expect of the city merchant class hoi polloi in Glasgow's heyday as an Industrial Revolution powerhouse.

Wellington in his signature Glaswegian hat

In the old merchant district of Glasgow.

Not so honest

High tea at the Willow Rooms, one of apparently 2 competing businesses. For the price, the servings should have been twice as much. I'm a connoisseur of high tea, and the one I had at the Surfrider in Honolulu was far superior in terms of service and quality. I'm glad I saw the actual tea room fixtures in the Kelvin Grove museum. The alternative "Mackintosh at the Willow" which goo maps initially sent me to was possibly better. Still enjoyable as my last restaurant meal in Scotland.

From the well curated Charles Rennie Macintosh collection

"Honesty" (1893) by the MacDonald sisters. I appreciate the multiple meanings of the title.

Detail from an Avril Paton watercolor (1993)

One of the many objects in the art gallery that appeals. I found the museum's special displays manageable and well curated. This is a refurbished Glasgow tenement during a rare snow storm.

Friday May 31 Glasgow

The very good Kelvin Grove museum, 15 min walk from Acorn Hotel. Free entry with recommended donation of 5 pounds, plus a free organ recital at 11am. Later tuna sandwich and tea in the cafe.