Hawkes Bay NZ Water trail

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The best chateaux

I managed to visit Chambord, Azay-le-Rideau, Villandry and Fontevraud l'Abbaye. Also rode by Rigny-Ussè, Chenonceau, Cheverny, Chaumont, Montsoreau and Saumur. To me "best" means the ones i can get to. The bike touring is part of the experience as well, so i cannot worry about those i miss. And there is a lot of choice, way too much and all quite lovely in their own way. The village of Candès-St.Martin could easily win "best village in France" award so far and i havent even left the Loire yet. Plenty of hilltowns with narrow streets and horrible cobblestones "pavés" which are just awful to ride over. The bike is holding up and i am doing about 50 km per day which doesnt sound like much, until you try doing it with a full load, while trying to find roadsigns and dealing with the environment. But it is a wonderful way to see stuff and people are happy to stop to talk, Allèz en route and Bonne courage are common greetings even when people are laughing at seeing you.
i hope that Brittany continues to be as welcoming and i hope the rain keeps away. rain + bike + 4 panniers + getting lost + being a novice touring cyclist + pavees = '!:;è&$!!

Still you can park your bike outside any shop here and noone will touch it. Perhaps the fact that i drap my washing on the back panniers to dry while i ride along is part of the fun. Still there is a guy outside the internet place (actually the local print shop) having a cigarette while he checks out my rig). Time to go and make another friend

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