Hawkes Bay NZ Water trail

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday August 31 off south

Leaving Seattle's hot weather and off to Australia for the first time since December 2018. Let the homesickness begin. No, it's gonna be a different and good experience.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I can ride on water!

Summer's end day trip to San Juan the Orcas

Monday, August 26, 2024

Returning from Columbia City

A familiar route that always serves up something worth seeing.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Gold Run Pass

Saturday's splendid day hike off the Yellow Aster Butte trail. My Green trails dates before 1997, when a new trail was cut off the Tomyhoi trail and Keep Cool decommissioned. Would make a nice loop if it ever came back.
Fun to meet up with a large hiking group from Eugene on Gold Run Pass.

Thursday Bike ride from Pedro Woolley to Concrete with friends

50 miles at a pace I'm not used to keeping. But good company, and barely threatening rain. A scenic anti clockwise ride along the South Skagit Highway and back on Highway 20 and Bike Route 10.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tendon Kohaku desserts

Sweet potato crème brûlée and cat pudding

Friday, August 16, 2024

First harvest (of 2) for the summer

Thank you free La Conner compost!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Obliteride Friday kickoff in Gasworks Park

Riders and runners are picking up their event packets on an extraordinary hot August evening in a rather wonderful location on Lake Union. Tomorrow I'm riding support on the 50-mile course.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Oh the places you’ll go

6 business days for my 10 year visa. Now it's starting to feel real.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024

Sunday August 8 trip to Corral Pass TH

 A hot, short day hike near Mt Rainier. The Corral Pass Road (FS7174) was 6 miles of steep, narrow, and rocky road that was a challenge to my Honda Element. But we made it up and back and had an immensely scenic walk in the silver ghost forest of the Norse Peak Wilderness. I thought I was returning to Noble Knob by a different route. It's possible to hike through to Noble (2.5 miles from here, but it's less hair raising to take the longer, gentler logging roads from just outside Greenwater. Good company with Alison and Dora. Phenomenal views of the Mt R, the distant Enchantments, Mt Adams and a slice of the Goat Rocks. Flowers are almost spent here.