Hawkes Bay NZ Water trail

Monday, February 2, 2015

Apartment living in Tongling Sept 16

My 2 bedroom apartment is on the 2nd floor of this block, in the peach colored section, with my metal cage enclosed kitchen window just visible through the trees. I only have neighbors above and below me, with my front door opening into the shared stairwell, that exits through the vaguely Greek style portico. My accommodation is sparsely furnished with a newish pleather couch and matching coffee tables, plus 2 vinyl chairs that will be more attractive once I buy a couple of seatcovers to hide the badly worn seats. I have 2 tables. One I use for writing my lessons, while TH e other, a mahjong table with a plum red frilly tabletop cover just sits in my empty 2nd bedroom. I've repurposed 8 of stools that go with the mahjong table to serve as bookstands, with the 9th serving as a hard and very uncomfortable stool to use to sit with my laptop in my bedroom. The lack of furniture has an upside; it's super easy to mop and dry the white marble tile floors throughout the space.
While my interior is nearly ascetic, the exterior is bustling with street life. Opposite my building is a large and barely 4 month old banqueting establishment. At first I thought it was also a hotel, but someone told me it's solely a restaurant. On the 2nd floor is a large sit down restaurant, like you'd see in a Chinese restaurant in America. The 3rd and 4th floors are private dining rooms, with a large revolving table taking up the lion's share of floor space. It appears that business is good, with the place really rocking out on Friday nights.
It appears that the banquet hall serves another purpose as well. Last night (Monday) I was treated to yet another fireworks display. First the now familiar deafening cacophony of red crackers, which I now know are draped over the sidewalk, like an explosive hallway runner. Quickly following was a display of heaven bound rockets, giving me a bird's eye view of exploding rosettes. This time I was only slightly startled by the activity, as it's been going on, day or night, ever since I arrived 2 weeks ago. I've learned that crackers are used to mark funerals, marriages, the opening of a new store, or, in terms of construction jobs, literally starting the project "with a bang."
So, I'm guessing that last night, somebody was celebrating something. I see that it's a bit of a mixed blessing, living opposite a big Chinese restaurant. But, as I'm learning to say: TIC (this is China).

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